I'm Out. Drops Mic.Brown Eyes 

I’m Out. Drops Mic.

I’m pretty sure I just got dumped. I say I’m pretty sure, the Facebook unfriend and Whatsapp blocking gave the game away and just in case that wasn’t quite enough, he blocked my number for calls and texts too. Oh and Instagram. I’ve checked.

I’m not really sure what happened. We didn’t fight, Brown Eyes and I. We weren’t even having a chat at the time. I just noticed the “online x minutes ago” had disappeared from his name on my open Facebook tab and when I clicked to investigate (and share a funny video of a koala bear I’d found) I noticed we weren’t friends anymore. What? When did this happen?

He’d been a bit grumpy this bank holiday weekend but I assumed that was because he wouldn’t get to see me. We’d made plans for him to meet Bestie for the first time yesterday (bank holiday Monday), and then I’d go to stay with Brown Eyes for a few days after. He tried to get me to go to his on Saturday night but I had a BBQ party / birthday party to go to. He tried to get me to stay Sunday night but we’d made plans my side of the water for Monday with Bestie and it didn’t seem right for him to drive over and get me, drive back to his, drive back with me to meet Bestie again the next morning and then drive all the way back again, only to do that whole journey back and forth one more time when he took me home at the end of my stay at Hotel Brown Eyes. Right? Keeping up?

(He won’t let me get the train unless absolutely necessary because he knows how easy it is for me to get lost.)

Monday morning came and Brown Eyes told me he felt ill and wouldn’t be able to come see me. I was to carry on with my plans with Bestie and he’d catch up with me later. I told him that I hoped he felt better soon and left it at that. He’d been really one-word-answer-y for two or three days and I was starting to get uncomfortable about it all. He wasn’t texting me and telling me what he was up to randomly throughout the day like he usually would. He was barely texting me at all. I did try and message him a few times but when you get that many one word answers in a row, it’s really kinda hard to keep the conversation going… You know? I put it down to his “headache” and figured I’d leave him to it but I packed my stuff just in case he did text me later on like he said. I also pottered around the house with the hump. The. Entire. Day.

He did text me later on that day but things were really short and abrupt. I asked him how he was and enquired as to whether or not he felt better and all I got back were short, sharp responses. The next thing I knew, he’d put a Facebook status up about getting an early night so I figured I’d leave him to sleep, hoping he’d be in a better mood to pick me up the next day – today. I really missed him. I really did want to see him but I was starting to get the impression he didn’t want to see me.

Just as I was getting my stuff ready for bed last night, checking the last of my web stats and taking a final glance over at my Facebook news feed, I noticed there was no “online x minutes ago” by his name. I clicked. We weren’t friends. I text him immediately.

Me: “Hey, why have you unfriended me?”

BE: “Can we talk about this tomorrow?” 

Me: “There’s no need surely? You’ve said all you needed to say with the Facebook unfriend.” 

He knows how I feel about public make ups and breakups on Facebook. He knows how I feel about unfriending and blocking after a fight too. I cannot be bothered with any of that pettiness which is why I was reluctant to have him on my Facebook at all. I told him straight – if we become Facebook buddies, that’s it, you MUST behave yourself, no bitchy comments, shares, posts, just keep things clean.  You unfriend me, that’s it. I have clients on my Facebook page. This is a non-negotiable for me. Yet he went and did it anyway.

In response to my shirty reply, he sent over Whatsapp, “You said some things on Sunday that didn’t sit too well with me too.” And with that, his profile picture disappeared, as did that ‘last online’ notice. He might have blocked me. He might just have deleted my number so it looks like I’m blocked. I didn’t bother sending a message to find out. When I tried to call him (because I’ve learned NEVER to go to bed on a fight), it went straight to voicemail.

Ten minutes later, he hadn’t just unfriended me on Facebook, he’d blocked me too. And Instagram. I checked them all, he blocked me every which way he could. I have no way of contacting him to find out what went wrong. I’ve looked back through all the things I said to him on Sunday, throughout the entire weekend in fact, and I can’t work out what he’d have the ass about.

I guess I got ghosted. Fucking shame really seeing as I’d just fallen head over heels in love with him and told him so. I did not see this coming.

If anyone needs me, I’ll be crying into my pillow. I can’t believe I fell for another guy’s bullshit. Because even if he does come running back to apologise, the Facebook pettiness is a non-negotiable for me. As is this constant overdramatic bickering.

I’m out. 

Drops mic. 

Thanks so much for reading my blog today! 🖤

If you’d like to read the full (and batshit) story about Brown Eyes, you’ll find it, from start to finish, right here

If you’d like some more spicy stuff like this, why not check out one of my smutty favourites:

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8 Thoughts to “I’m Out. Drops Mic.”

  1. Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I’ve been following these posts with such intruige these past few weeks. You at least deserve answers, especially as it moved so quickly. I hope you’re ok xx

    Ruth Writes | https://ruth-writes.co.uk/

    1. notsosexinthecity

      Thanks so much, just trying to get my head around it really. I’m so confused. Still, at least it was brief.

  2. Bummer! So sorry that happened!

  3. RP

    Sorry to hear that… been a recent follower (thanks to a few RT’s from other single twitter accounts) and it’s horrible to see a fellow man still do that!

  4. I guess the only silver lining here is that he just saved you months and months of drama. He sounds like someone who hasn’t learned to communicate his problems like an adult and you’re probably better off not having to deal with him anymore.

  5. He’s a sociopath. So this is how it will go (unless he has found rich supply elsewhere). He is annoyed that you stopped letting him make all the decisions, that you had a row, He didn’t like what you had to say.

    So he will cut you off. Make you yearn for him. Then he will be back. He will cry and say it was ‘just because he loved you so much, and he got scared you would reject him’. You will fall for it and get back together. Next time it really will be rape, and it will descend into violence too. There’s a reason he waited for you to say you loved him – he had to be sure you were hooked before he started setting up the big-time addiction.

    STAY AWAY. This will not end well. REALLY – look up about sociopaths, love bombing, how sociopaths use sex etc.

    I hope he’s ghosted you and I hope you never hear from him ever again, for your sake. But I doubt it #BeenThere

    1. Normal men stop when you say no. (Or safe word). He didn’t. He is abnormal. He is ok with rape.

  6. I have been worrying about you and checking your blog and twitter has been the first thing I’ve done this morning. PLEASE stay strong. But something else you should be aware of.

    The reason that sociopaths do what they do is because it is all a sick game they play, because they don’t have real emotions like the rest of us. They get their kicks out of controlling people. Out of ‘winning’ their vile games. The only way non-sociopaths can win is to refuse to play. Sociopaths hate this with a vengeance, because by their ‘rules’ the game is only over when they say so. If you ‘stop playing’ they very often turn stalker. So even being strong can come at a price. Please, whatever you do, be very, very careful.

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